



(凤翔县医院妇产科,陕西 宝鸡,721000)

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目的 探索甲硝唑和云南白药混合粉末联合应用在宫颈病变电热圈环切术(LEEP)术后伤口创面放置的临床效果。 方法 选择我院2015年1至2015年12月因宫颈疾病行LEEP刀手术治疗的已婚妇女120例为研究对象,随机将其分为观察组和对照组,各60例。观察组在宫颈LEEP刀术后将甲硝唑和云南白药混匀使用敷于创面,24 h 后取出纱布块;对照组在 LEEP刀术后观察创面无出血后直接结束手术。比较两组患者创面出血情况,结痂脱落时间和伤口愈合情况。结果 创面敷甲硝唑和云南白药混匀粉末的观察组患者的伤口在1 周结痂脱落,伤口创面出血少,结痂脱落快,恢复好;而对照组伤口在 10~15 d 开始脱落,结痂脱落慢,出血多,有时2周内因出血多需行二次电凝,观察组患者1周后创面再出血率、结痂脱落时间、伤口愈合时间均优于对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 将甲硝唑粉末和云南白药粉末混匀敷在伤口上,能明显缩短结痂脱落时间,减少出血,促进伤口较快恢复,减少了术后并发症,值得在基层医院推广及应用。

关键词:甲硝唑;云南白药;LEEP 刀手术


    Clinical observation of metronidazole combined with Yunnan Baiyao powder on the wound healing after LEEP
    WANG Ya-juan, WANG Xiao-yan
    (Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Fengxiang County Hospital, Baoji 721000, China)

    ABSTRACT: Objective To investigate the effect of metronidazole combined with Yunnan Baiyao powder on the wound healing after loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). Methods One hundred and twenty married women who needed LEEP treatment because of cervical disease from January 2015 to December 2015 in our hospital were selected and randomly divided into observation group and control group, with 60 cases in each group. The observation group used metronidazole combined with Yunnan Baiyao powder on the wound healing after LEEP, and the gauze was remored after 24 h. If there was no bleeding on wound, the control group directly end the operation. The wound bleeding, scab off time and wound healing between the two groups were compared. Results In the observation group, the scab was falled off within 1 week, there was less bleeding on wound and the would quickly recovered. In the control group, the scab was falled off in 10-15 days, there was copious bleeding on wound, and some cases needed a second electric coagulation because of copious bleeding within 2 weeks. The wound bleeding rate after 1 week, scab off time and wound healing time of the observation group were better than those of the control group, the differences were statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion Metronidazole combined with Yunnan Baiyao powder mixed evenly and deposited on the wound can significantly shorten the scab off time, reduce bleeding, promote wound recovery, reduce postoperative complications, which is worthy of promotion and application in primary hospitals.
    KEYWORDS: metronidazole; Yunnan Baiyao; loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)

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