



(1 .暨南大学第二临床医学院,广东 深圳,518020 ;2 .深圳市人民医院,广东 深圳,518020)

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子宫内膜癌(endometrial carcinoma, EC)是女性生殖系统的三大恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率逐年上升。EC的发病机制尚不十分明确,可能与基因突变有关。目前认为,宫腔镜下分段诊刮是可靠的诊断EC的手段,经阴道彩超是较好的筛查方法,磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging, MRI)是术前评估盆腹腔病灶最准确的检查。EC的治疗应当个体化,以手术治疗为主,根据手术病理辅以放疗、化疗或内分泌治疗。本文主要就该病的病因、诊断及治疗方面的国内外研究进展进行总 结论述。



    Advances in clinical diagnosis and treatment of endometrial carcinoma
    YU Xiao-yu 1,2, MA Li-guo 1,2
    (1. the Second Clinical Medical College of Jinan University, Shenzhen 518020; 2. Shenzhen People's Hospital,
    Shenzhen 518020, China)

    ABSTRACT: Endometrial carcinoma (EC) is one of the three most common malignancies of the female reproductive system. The number of diagnosed cases of EC is rising every year. Its etiology remains unclear and might relate to gene mutation. Hysteroscopy assisted segment curettage is considered to be a reliable method in the diagnosis of EC. Transvaginal color doppler ultrasound is believed to be a effective screening technique for EC. It is accepted that MRI is an accurate examination method for preoperative evaluation of pelvic or abdominal lesions. The treatment of EC should be individualized and mainly based on surgical treatment and supplemented by radiotherapy, chemotherapy and endocrine therapy when necessary. This paper summarizes the research progress of etiology, diagnosis and treatment of EC.
    KEYWORDS: endometrial carcinoma; hysteroscopy; magnetic resonance imaging

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